Employee Monitoring can be controversial at times. But the report says it all, the companies who monitor their employees’ computer usage are much more likely to increase their productivity level by more than 35% in the first month.
As per the latest stats, employees seem to waste around 7-8 hours per week on social media or unofficial sites – which comes out to be one productive day – on non-productive tasks, including surfing web, mobile phones, online shopping, etc.
Note: This time excludes tea-breaks, lunch hours, and genuine breaks.
Now, let’s calculate with an hourly wage of $24.07, companies across the world are losing more than $10K, on every employee per annum.
Therefore, with a quick increase in the productivity ratio by 35%, employers can save around $3k/year on each employee. If you own a team of 5, you can save up to 30k/year. Yes, as employee productivity is directly proportional to an increase in profit margin. It is the reason most of the companies have implemented employee monitoring software to track employee productivity and the amount of time they are spending on the un-official sites.
In this blog, these are the things I will cover to provide you a brief knowledge about each:
Use Of Employee Monitoring Software: Whom Does This Software Benefit?
Advantages Of Using This Software: How Will It Help To Enhance Productivity?
Is Employee Monitoring Legal? Know About Workplace Laws.
Use Of Employee Monitoring Software: Whom Does This Software Benefit?![Comprehensive Guide To Employee Monitoring [2020 Updated] 1](data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg%20xmlns='http://www.w3.org/2000/svg'%20viewBox='0%200%201024%20576'%3E%3C/svg%3E)
There are several reasons why most of the companies implement monitoring tools. Here are some of the best solutions:
Manage Remote Workforce:
Working remotely is gaining a phenomenal speed among companies of all sizes. As per the reports, more than 4 million people (approx) worked from home in the USA and the employers could see a huge increase in the productivity count (approximately 1.8 million dollars).
Various reputed corporate kings, as well as entrepreneurs, are slowly starting to shift their business remotely. In fact, at EmpMonitor, our entire team of 50+ employees is working remotely from different places worldwide.
Working remotely certainly has tons of productive benefits, along with different distractions. Youtube, social media, house-old things, and various other things tamper productivity.
And it’s also difficult for the management staff to keep a check on what employees are working and how they are doing. It’s the main reason behind which employers are searching for good employee monitoring software like EmpMonitor which not only keeps the track of employee’s work done but also helps boost their productivity levels by time management.
After the implementation of the employee monitoring software, you can see a drastic growth in the overall productivity, and henceforth it is the reason most of the companies are adopting it.
Customer Support or Dropshipping Centers:
Building trust and loyalty is a worthy goal for any business, and it lies in the hands of the customer support team. It is the main reason behind when an employee monitoring tool got introduced.
All the professionally run service centers record all the phone calls with their clients. These recordings help to maintain quality by identifying mistakes and train support agents to enhance customer-handling skills. It’s important to keep a record of all the recordings that help to present as proof in case there will be any legal issues with the client in the future.
Similarly to lighten up the monitoring process in these organizations, EmpMonitor comes with monitoring chats and email conversations of the customer support people easily. As it’s always not necessary to attend a client through phone calls.
Pay/Hour Agencies:
Industries operating in digital marketing, front-end development, and others associated with getting paid per hourly basis. Using tools like EmpMonitor easily helps to track the productivity hours of each employee and how much time they are spending on each project.
In short, EmpMonitor’s user logs and productivity measurement features help managers to ease up the process of billable hours that are practically eliminated.
Investment Banks/Trading Organizations:
Financial services companies use employee monitoring in a variety of ways for their sales as well as operations. Most of them need to follow stringent information security and confidentiality regulations such as ISO27001, which require them to monitor their employees to prevent data leaks or data theft.
When it comes to banks or trading organizations they use employee monitoring tools in different ways ( both operations and marketing). As one of the biggest fears in this industry is the loss of security and safety of the data they are using. Hence, it’s advised to use the best employee monitoring software solution like EmpMonitor.
EmpMonitor helps employers detect and take precautions before the data breach occurs with the help of features like screen activity monitoring, network monitoring, keystroke logging, etc. Some organizations also allow monitoring employees through cameras, which help them to easily know which employees are currently at their desk and who is missing the trade ranges.
Software Development Industries:
Industries dealing with different project management software need to closely monitor how their employees are managing their time. Using a time tracking software like EmpMonitor, which has easy integration with project management software, helps in tracking employee productivity. Teams can discuss their time investing in meetings and search for ways to gain better improvement.
Marketing Sector:
Different sectors use different employee monitoring tools to improve the productivity of their marketing teams. Using monitoring tools with GPS tracking features helps to check how much time the salesperson is taking to reach a particular location. Are they using the shortest paths or moving to different places during working hours?
To know more about the sectors in which this monitoring software has marked their presence, check out the link below.
Advantages Of Using This Software: How Will It Help To Enhance Productivity?
Minimizing Productivity Loss
As per various surveys, employees admitted that they spend nearly an hour or two on different sites apart from the official ones. Wasting time is said as a common thing in offices and is more common if we talk about remote working. And there’s no way managers can check and see how their teammates are working.
EmpMonitor helps to track employee activity in the best possible ways:
- It helps to track how much time employees are spending on each work and project.
- Screenshot features allow employers to keep a check on the employee’s on-screen activity.
- Top apps and website tracking features help to know which sites employees are surfing.
Though all this seems nosy, it will help to increase the overall productivity of the whole company.
Improves Employees Engagement
Employee Monitoring Software increases employee engagement – provided you should use the perfect tool which suits all your desired needs.
Decreases Supervision
Using employee monitoring software employers can work on their projects without micromanaging their employees manually. As long as people stay focused on their work and meet the company requirements, employers don’t have to go and check every generated report.
Enhance Productivity
Employee Monitoring tools like EmpMonitor guides people to increase the work speed and also provides a detailed report on how much time a particular employee is investing in completing one particular task. It allows employees to know about their strengths and weaknesses, helps them to create a simple 1-3-5 rule to manage workplace productivity.
But, here the question arises,
Is Employee Monitoring Legal? Know About The Workplace Laws.
Most of the employers have thought either once or twice in their mind – Is employee monitoring legal? Is it officially valid to keep a check on the employee’s office work activities using an employee monitoring software? The solution to this question is not as easy as it seems to be.
All the things depend upon your work culture and the activities which you are monitoring.
In other words, management wants to know whether their employees are wasting time on any particular unwanted sites or resources. Though managers don’t mean spying, it helps to increase the productivity of the team and helps in preventing data breaches.
To know more about whether monitoring employees is legal?
Read the blog below –
Employee Monitoring: Productivity Booster or Privacy Killer?
Wrapping Up
Employee monitoring has the power to greatly increase the efficiency and quality performance of your business in a variety of ways – and so it has a direct effect on your profitability. And if you give a try the suggestions I provided in this post, flexibility and employee engagement can also be improved in your company.
To get started on employee monitoring, I recommend you to start a free trial of EmpMonitor.