Is it just me that thinks of parties, cookouts, outdoor games, and many other fun activities when the holiday season is around the corner, Or are you normal? The enthusiasm always remains at its peak, both professionally and personally. And since the Corona outbreak stopped the daily fun we used to have in the workplace, how about giving a twist to the upcoming holiday season. 

Gone are those days when seasonal times of year in the workplace meant with a thin envelope from a boss. It may contain a check or a couple of dollars. And since the modern problem needs a modern solution- you can not let the season of holidays pass by without recognizing your employees. 

Just because the last few years have been tough, don’t dismiss the concept of showing employee gratitude around the holidays. Even if you can’t bring your team together, we still want to highlight the significance of showing your employees that you care by appreciating them in a way that makes them feel supported. Employee recognition & expressing gratitude to employees around the holidays is a great approach to foster long-term goodwill.

Before I go off and celebrate, I would like to leave you with five suggestions for showing your appreciation for staff and keeping your spirits up over the holiday season. But before that, let’s dig into the basics of Employee Management & the consequences of not appreciating employees for their efforts.

How does non-appreciation affect employees?

Before we get into the whole appreciation thing, let me shower some light on Employee management. What is employee management? Managing employees is easier said than done. It’s a method for getting your employees to perform at their best and achieving your company’s objectives.

It is a holistic approach that helps to turn underperforming employees into great ones. As well as keep top employees from falling behind. Employee management is more than just people executing their jobs; it encompasses a broad array of procedures and techniques, including employee appreciation. Here are some of the consequences of not appreciating your employees.

Reduced productivity


When employees feel undervalued at work, one of the massive costs is poor performance. Employees just cease caring about the quality of their job and choose to blame others when they fail to reach their goals. 

Underappreciated employees have no incentive to invest extra time or effort to ensure that their tasks and responsibilities deliver success. And because these employees believe their contribution has little value at the company, their full potential stays at the corner of their heads.

Delays in project timelines

Productivity is the ability to accomplish more in less time. When it drops, the chance of missing the deadline & causing the clients to be dissatisfied is high. Undervalued or underappreciated employees have a ripple effect of inefficiency across the business. Starting with low team morale and progressing to a group of uninspired employees, it finally leads to missed deadlines.

When your company fails to complete a job on schedule, your clients will search for different opportunities. Competitors will take advantage of the circumstance, resulting in the loss of an existing client.

Loss of interest and morale

The main thing that often happens when an employee feels undervalued is that they show an absence of interest in their work and buy-in- when it comes to the office or large-scale initiatives. In most cases, if the employees start believing that their commitments are not valued or appreciated, they may unintentionally or consciously stop participating in activities or contribute less to discussions or responsibilities. 

Following this behavior of an unappreciated employee, co-workers can also get demotivated & come up short on the inspiration to share criticism or considerations with other colleagues about projects or initiatives. They may reliably offer less in gatherings, excuse themselves early, or essentially not focus during conversations or exercises.

Increased turnover

A disgruntled or underappreciated employee will most likely contemplate quitting your company and focusing their efforts on other alternatives. It may be extremely hard to change their perceptions if they arrive at this point with almost no recognized attempts from the organization pioneers to assure them of their worth.

Here’s How You Can Appreciate Your Employees This Holiday Season

Appreciation Is Cheaper Than Churn. So, why not just hop into these employee recognition ideas right away!

Food Package- Winner Winner Chicken Dinner


A lovely gift package full of high-quality chocolates, nutritious nibbles, and perfectly suited wine. It all sounds quite tempting. This employee present will not only benefit employees but will also be appreciated by your employees while they are snuggled up in front of a warm fire or on a plush couch. This suits best for remote employee management.

When it comes to expressing gratitude, food is always a hit. It has an uncanny ability to bring people together. If your workplace has already begun meeting in person, go one step further than ordering meals. Order from a food truck as it is always a good time and is a fantastic opportunity to reward your staff with something different than their usual soup and sandwich fare. It can also be an outstanding chance for team bonding to take a break and have a nice lunch together.

Deliver Individual, Handwritten Notes

appreciating-employees-via -letters-this-holiday-season

There is nothing that can match the air of a handwritten note. Employees adore the time taken by their boss to appreciate their efforts and hard work. Trust me- it is way more than just a piece of paper and a note. Since almost all of our written conversations now take place online, the simple act of placing ink on paper adds a genuine feeling of significance to whatever they need to say. 

Focus on each employee’s talents, challenges, and successes when honoring their efforts on a lovely sheet of paper. You can come up with a handwritten note wishing them a pleasant Christmas season, and a heartfelt thank you for their efforts throughout the year can go a long way. You might even deliver them to employees’ homes to make an even impactful impression!

Support Relaxation  


Allowing your employees to recharge can help them appreciate you more. This time of year can be both gratifying and stressful. Many of your employees may be out shopping, cooking, wrapping presents, traveling, or dealing with anxiety, sadness, financial constraints, or a variety of other pressures. One of the most precise employee presents you can provide- is some additional time for them to go to see relatives or simply regain their breath.

You may also look for ways to assist your employees in de-stressing. Seasonally, you might be able to provide extended long breaks or Friday half-days. If you can not give up work time, compensate monetarily with a holiday season bonus and extended lunches. It will assist them in unwinding and recharging for the year ahead.

Award personalized gifts for a job well done. 

05 Ideas To Show Your Employee Appreciation This Holiday Season 1

Recognize a department or employee that goes above and beyond this year with a meaningful gift or award. Consider presenting a meaningful employee appreciation reward. Praise them for their achievements and present them with a one-of-a-kind award with their name. Alternatively, you may give them gifts that specially target their hobbies. Reward your employees with high-performance watches or backpacks if they enjoy outdoor sports and activities. You may also just give them discounts, vouchers, and freebies.

You foster a culture of compassion and attentiveness when you show you care about your employees’ individual interests.

Social media spotlight

Few things are better than coming into the workplace on a frigid day to find warm holiday season cookies, pastries, or seasonal goodies goody packages. For the current generation who wake up and surf social media, how about giving a spotlight to one new employee per day on different social channels, in the spirit of the season! 

Even better, have teams feature each other on social media to increase employees’ morale and publicly acknowledge outstanding accomplishments. Not to mention, it improves peer recognition, which is equally as essential as managerial recognition.

There are a number of tools available to help you manage your employees and identify those that deserve it. EmpMonitor, on the other hand, is one of those tools that brings out the best in your company and helps it reach new heights.

Using EmpMonitor, you can quickly identify employees who are responsive to their jobs. Here’s how to use EmpMonitor to calculate employee productivity based on the days of the week.

1-log in to your EmpMonitor dashboard with your login credentials.

2- When the main dashboard appears on the screen, you will see four elements that will assist you track the productivity of employees.


3- Select “active days” from the drop-down menu. A pop-up window will allow you to track productivity according to the days of the week.

4- A graph will display in a pop-up window, indicating your productivity for each day.


5- If you hover over the graph, you can see the different days and the percentage of production. You can also view the number of present staff for each day.

6- You may also choose the duration, location, and department above the graph. The graph will automatically adjust based on your selections, whether it’s a week or a month.

That’s it! 

You can keep track of your employees using screenshots as well as recognize and motivate deserving employees for this holiday season. EmpMonitor has a number of features that might help you. Sign up for a free account to learn more.

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Celebrating Efforts This Holiday Season

Even though we recognize the importance of expressing gratitude to employees, it is not done nearly enough in our workplaces. The cornerstone of creating a strong and meaningful company culture is employee appreciation. It might be hard to express gratitude to employees at times. However, they are vital parts of your company culture.

They may also seem a bit heavy on the pockets- the bottom line is that they will yield several long-term benefits. And what’s better than getting started on this Holiday season? Holidays give you the opportunity to show your staff that you care.

However, keep in mind the 05 employee appreciation ideas outlined in this post. Employee appreciation may become a little easier and a lot more enjoyable.

Till they, Stay Safe & Stay Happy. And Oh, Happy Holidays!