It is estimated that 70% of an employee’s engagement is determined and influenced by managers. Since leadership skills determine the effectiveness of the workforce, as a leader, you need to be constantly looking for ways to optimize your team’s performance and make room for better workforce management.

It may sound daunting, but upgrading your workforce is not as challenging as you may believe. There are numerous strategies you can implement to increase employee engagement and productivity. So what are those? Not to worry, we have incorporated some helpful tips that will help you manage your workforce efficiently and save your time and money.

So stay with us till the end of this blog, as we are going to cover a lot today. But, before we dive into the tips, let’s first understand- What exactly is Workforce Management?

What is Workforce Management?

Workforce management is a set of integrated processes used by companies to optimize the productivity of their employees. It’s an essential process used by companies to ensure that the company has working staff to cater to the needs of the company. 

Having the right workforce management can be a difficult task when it comes to implementation. But it can be the most rewarding thing a company can do to keep the employees happy and compete in this era of technology by taking your employees along. 

You need to make sure that you have the right person placed in the right position to manage the task matching their skillset. Workforce management is a process to help the upper management manage the employee’s leaves, vacations & absenteeism as per the applicable law in the company.

To have effective workforce management a company should work on reducing the operational cost. And make room for sustainable businesses to be productive at all times. By implementing these tips in their business, a company can streamline its workforce management!

Listen to this Podcast on Workforce Management to learn 7 tips here-

Workforce Management Can be Accomplished with These
7 Quick Tips:

Here are seven Quick Tips that can help you with Workforce Management and help you manage your employees better!

1. Know What Matters To Your Employees


To know what matters to your employees, try knowing what makes them happy and engaged at work. To do the same, ask them by knowing them personally. When you are able to understand their needs you are able to meet them. So, in order to motivate them to work harder and achieve their goals. You need to smartly align your strategy with their motivation to keep them engaged. And you can know what strives them to work by having the right tools to analyze their work.

And one such workforce management software is EmpMonitor, which will help you automate your task and save time. With this tool, you can reward your employees better, know about their work status and track their attendance for better management. In addition, you will gain a competitive advantage in your industry.

2. Measure Employee Productivity & Leaves Management


Managing employee leaves, and their leave balances every year can be an energy-draining process. So to avoid the data hassle companies are moving to a smarter solution like – EmpMonitor to streamline needful administrative tasks for their employees and also track employee productivity day in and day out. And keep a record of days when the employee felt the most engaged.

With EmpMonitor, you can get these aspects managed hassle-free. This tool lets the employees keep track of their productivity as well as leaves- consumed or available, leaves approved or rejected by the manager can also be checked from its dashboard as shown in the image above. Thereby, saving the managerial time and energy of a company. 

3. Give Employees a Purpose to Work

To recognize your employee’s work- you need to set a purpose behind your work! It can be more than just a monetary reward. It’s about helping them break free of their mental barriers.

Help your employee grow at the personal level & elevate your employees. For this, you can focus on workforce management and learn from people analytics examples to make them feel they belong to the company and that their presence matters in the organization.

Employees feel recognized, and it results in boosting their engagement. Train your employees to meet a deadline on time, and on some days, motivate them to increase their productivity meter. Setting the purpose of work- will inculcate healthy competition among teams and make them function together and better their bond.

4. Streamline Your Staff


A company still managing the employee task manually- might forget the workload every employee has on their shoulders. Which can overburden some employees who are already working more.

And can promote those who don’t work under pressure, leading to overburdening of work on some employees. Leading to burnout and dissatisfaction at work for some employees.

For the mental health of employees, companies need to streamline the staff using tools if needed to prevent burnout of employees. Managers can go for scheduling the staff using tools like EmpMonitor.

With the right- workforce management tool, you can align your staff easily based on their workload, project status, and availability.

5. Make Employees Feel Engaged

It’s vital to make an employee feel a part of the organization, to work out of the box, and do something prominent for the company and make them function for the company to achieve a goal together- that benefits both the employee & the company.

Companies that manage their workforce nicely will have employees that feel driven and motivated at work and are willing to accomplish bigger goals! So, it’s necessary to keep the employee engaged- boosting employee productivity is a must. As more engaged employees will do more than expected and will turn out to be an asset to the company.

6. Access Employee Contribution


To access the active contribution of an employee you need to record and analyze your workforce based on this matrix and know each employee’s contribution at the workplace-

  • Know the workload of each employee. You can measure the same by knowing the – kind of work, duration of completion of the task, the urgency of the work, and quality of deliverables in the expected turnaround time.
  • Maintain a sheet to record how many employees are handling how many customers. And also ensure to take feedback of every employee from the client.
  • What is the productivity of an employee- measure it by the number of hours of work completed by your employee.
  • What is the percentage of defects in the work finished on a tight deadline compared to the work done with a free mind and no final date?
  • You need to know what works for which employee, know whether they are technical heads or creative brains, and then allot them tasks accordingly to get satisfactory results at all times. 

You need to know which employees find working on free deadlines daunting, which find the work interesting when on a tight deadline, and vice-versa. For allotting work to employees, you need to know- an employee go-to behavior especially when it comes to working.

A person who loves to work on technical aspects can perform fewer edits for a technical project. But an employee who is good with creativity can satisfy the client with the deadline for a creative task. Therefore, it’s vital to choose the right employee for the right kind of work else their talent might get unexplored.

7. Create Milestones For Your Workforce

You can create milestones for your employees from EmpMonitor. For the same, you can look for productivity insights of the employees to check their productivity on heavy workload days. And set the duration as per work frequency, and lookout for productive hours applicable to the milestone.

Then ensure to recognize such employees at the workplace so that they feel noticed and motivated to work more enthusiasm and motivation towards the company goals.  

Benefits of Workforce Management

Here are some of the benefits of workforce management that can add to the business-

  • Ensure the attendance of employees gets correctly recorded in your database.
  • This insightful tool will help you forecast employee requirements & project status to track the availability of employees for the new task. 
  • Employees feel their skills are utilized when they are asked to participate in and work on major projects.
  • With workforce management tools you can comply with labor laws by enabling fast adaptability and the prevention of human error while an employee is on absences, breaks, vacations, and leave.
  • For planning team projects and activities, workforce management systems provide a platform for collaboration and idea-sharing.
  • And to keep all employee information safe and secure from hackers, workforce management systems feature multi-factor authentication and data encryption.
  • The company can maximize employees’ day-to-day work and talent retention for establishing a healthy balance between professional and personal life, which is possible with workforce management. 

Make your business more efficient and profitable by bringing workforce management tools like EmpMonitor functional in business. As a result, companies can optimize performance, increase productivity, and reduce costs.

What Not To Do in Workforce Management

Whether you have a few employees or a lot you need to get the work done efficiently and effectively. So let’s figure out what not to do in business to create a healthy and productive workforce.

  1. Resist the urge to micromanage your employees  
  2. Don’t be a control freak else it can lead to a high turnaround of employees in place of retention employees might choose to quit. 
  3. Avoid being the busy boss, and keep your employee’s needs above yours and guide them whenever needed.
  4. Don’t be a dictator as not every employee likes demanding bosses rather a listening boss is appreciated.
  5. Avoid having your personal favorites for a specific job it will create a lack of trust among team members.
  6. Don’t threaten them without a reason, or else it can make the environment toxic to work.
  7. Never play the blame game with your team members else you’ll lose their support, so when you need them most they will leave you.

A good manager is one who protects their team at all times, and educates them but never belittles or blames them for everything that goes wrong. Rather he/she is someone who gives the credit without asking, notices the efforts without showing, and listens without judgment. Try these points  

Read More

Workforce Management Solutions: Everything You Need To Know
Employee Burnout: 7 Tips To Deal With Effective Workforce Management Solutions
What is Workforce Management Software & Why Do you need it?

The Ultimate Guide To Call Center Workforce Management

Wrapping Up

Workforce management is an easy process and not difficult to implement in the workplace. You can plan, assign, direct, and control the actions of your workforce to achieve bigger organizational goals. A company can run organizational goals for better workforce management to satisfy clients by using employee strength and capacity to help achieve its goals. And eradicate the need to manage the workforce and handle data with ease. Also, help the company remove redundancy and manage the workforce better, and get these tips implemented for better management of your teams.
