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Remote Staffing Vs Outsourcing: What’s The Difference?


During the pandemic, many organizations have opted for outsourcing to get their job done on time. It was quite a challenging period when they did not have access to too many resources. At that time, outsourcing seemed to be the right solution. However, there are also some companies who implement remote staffing as another option.

Most of you might have got confused and don’t even know about the difference between remote staffing vs outsourcing. Don’t worry! Not only you, but many professionals also consider both as the same thing. Let’s understand more about it.

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Difference Between Remote Staffing & Outsourcing-

From the word itself, you might have understood that remote staffing denotes the hired remote working employees. On the other hand, outsourcing means hiring other company services for a period of time to complete work on any selected tasks or projects.

As you can see, there is a blurred line between outsourcing and remote staffing. Especially when you have an extra workload in your schedule, outsourcing remote workers can be a quick solution. However, for long-term assurance, instead of contracting a few remote workers, why not just hire skilled employees.

It’s not like you have to find talent outside your team network. There might be a few people who are capable enough in handling such jobs. So in that reference, remote staffing seems like the right choice.

Remote Staffing vs Outsourcing Comparison-

Suppose you have a team full of skilled people who can finish all the tasks without external help or support from other services. Then that means you could save your expenses for paying the contracted remote workers for the same job. However, there can be situations when you can’t just rely on your team members as you need more helping hands. In such a case, it would be a tough decision for an employer whether to go with remote staffing or outsourcing.

Having your own staff working on a project means you have the surety of completing that project before reaching the deadline. But the problem arises when you are shorthanded. In that sense, remote staffing may seem like an expensive option compared to outsourcing. However, you can’t just rely on such a contract-type work structure for long since you don’t have any control over them. In fact, remote staffing gives you flexibility with expenses. It depends on you and your company’s requirements to hire a few more people in your team or not.

One of the biggest benefits of remote staffing is that you have a similar work culture as in the office. The only difference is that now employees have to work from home. It means – you can have a regulated work environment, where every employee in the firm is doing their job in the right way to reach expected goals and objectives.


Thanks to the technology, even with a remotely working staff, now it has been easier for the management to communicate with employees. There are such tools and software out there in the market, which let you manage and collaborate with your remote working employees. Therefore you can be sure about accountability and timely work delivery.

But on the other side, when we talk about outsourcing, you are dependent upon the freelancer to complete your tasks on time. Although, they might also promise you to deliver the work on course. But they are only accountable till the project is over. Considering that there are certainly some good points about outsourcing. But still, its remote staffing gets you more assurance regarding both accountability and timely delivery of work.

In remote staffing, you have the advantage, as you can pick some selected talents in your team. And in most outsourcing options, there you don’t have any criteria to be selective. Particularly the people who are working for your company, you know more about them and their capabilities.

Remote Staffing vs Outsourcing

Since in work culture, you can evaluate the different skill sets and efficiency of employees and assign them tasks accordingly. However, when you outsource or take help from any third-party services, you have less control over the people working on your tasks or projects.

Even when your employees are working remotely, by digital means, you can get the report of work progress anytime you want. Isn’t it? On the other hand, when you outsource, you can only ask the service provider about the work progress and wait for their response. As we have said earlier, you don’t have the power to check their progress directly.

Remote Staffing Vs Outsourcing: Pros & Cons

By going through these points, we get to know the differences between remote staffing and outsourcing. While it also gives us a slight idea about pros and cons of using them.


Pros Of Remote Staffing-

Cons Of Remote Staffing-


Pros Of Outsourcing-

In the end, when you opt for a reliable outsourcing vendor, most of the time, you are sure about the quality of work done by them. However, if you see them, there you don’t have much control over them. With so many advantages of outsourcing, there are some disadvantages as well.


Cons Of Outsourcing-

Wrapping Words:

There are some good and bad sides to both Remote staffing and outsourcing. So here we recommend you to hire remote workers, based on your company’s requirements. However, if there are some rare work processes you find in a task, in such a case, you may opt for an outsourcing strategy.

So what’s your take on remote staffing vs outsourcing? Write us your thoughts in the comment section given below. And also, don’t forget to share this blog post on social media.

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