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What Is Workflow And Business Process Management?

What Is Workflow And Business Process Management? 1


In a modern dynamic landscape, with thriving enterprises and rapid market growth, workflow, and business management processes have emerged as indispensable components of organizational success.

These terms, workflow and business process management, are commonly used in businesses and organizations. Often, they are used interchangeably and synonymously, but they possess distinct meanings and interpretations.

In this comprehensive blog, We will shed some light on the complexities and differences between workflow and BPM through examples and analogy. We will be sharing some practical tips and discussing a tool that you can adapt to your business to manage and enhance your productivity and efficiency.

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What is Workflow and Business Process Management?

Firstly, let’s try to understand the definition of workflow and BPM and learn these concepts individually.

Workflow – In the business world, the term ‘workflow’ usually refers to a structured series or sequence of tasks that requires systematic completion. It is a roadmap to streamline execution in order. A particular task entails involving various teams and processes in order, from start to end.

Business process management – Business process management is a holistic approach to managing business and optimizing processes for better performance. It involves end-to-end management of the organization to meet business goals. BPM entails designing and analyzing business strategies to implement to achieve organizational objectives. The business management process is the integration of various workflows. It encompasses different elements of workflow for business coordination.

These are the definitions, so now let’s use an analogy of banking to illustrate and understand the difference between Workflow and business process management through an example.

Examples of workflow and business process management

Let’s try to learn and understand the basic concepts of these two terms with examples –

Workflow Example 

A bank has multiple branches within a country, each with a branch manager and many employees. At every branch, there is one branch manager and many employees working and co-ordinating with each other. The employees handle many tasks like solving queries, checking cash, guiding customers, and opening new accounts. All these tasks are done in a sequence or series to optimize and maintain workflow.

Business management process 

The top leadership and management of the bank make significant decisions, which may lead to major changes in each branch. They made important decisions about their services, schemes, and expansion strategies, where to open new branches, and how to execute plans. It focuses on overall banking, including every branch which comes under.

Now we know about these terms, let’s explore some key differences between workflow and business process management.




We learned about workflow and BPM through cases and scenarios. Now, we will cover the difference between workflow and BPM in terms of scope, operational level, and integration –




In the business process, the workflow is involved in the execution part. It promotes work efficiency to complete the operational aspect of the business. It focuses on smooth function in a series.

Business process management

BPM has a broader view and consists of the life cycle of a business process. It focuses on overall business performance by optimizing, designing, and implementing strategies to achieve business objectives.

Level of operation



Workflow provides a roadmap to be followed by a team or individuals to operate efficiently. It is more detailed and emphasizes specific steps to complete a particular task.

Business process management

Workflow and business process management operate on different levels. BPM emphasizes the bigger picture. It focuses on organizational-level work like optimizing and maintaining the alignment of multiple workflows across departments and implementing and identifying challenges in meeting business operations.




Since the workflow is a part of BPM, workflow integrates into a larger BPM framework. Workflows are the building block for business objectives and process automation.

Business process management

BPM consists of workflow capabilities and incorporates tools like process design, execution, and monitoring. It allows you to manage all aspects of business processes in a centralized platform.

Continuous Improvement



Improving workflow process management means streamlining the task to acquire maximum productivity. It may incorporate automation to avoid repetition and figure out bottlenecks.

Business process management

Business process management improves the overall business performance. BPM emphasizes adapting and evolving new methodologies and techniques to avoid upcoming challenges.

These were the significant differences between workflow and business process management, now we will delve into some practical tips to implement BPM and workflow.

Practical tips to implement Business process management

Business analysis

Conduct thorough business analysis and create weekly reports to monitor business performance.

Determine KPIs

Identify key performance indicators to scale up your business and its effectiveness.

Optimize and analyze challenges

Identify bottlenecks and challenges and analyze opportunities where your business needs improvement. Try to figure out and strengthen your weak areas.

Incorporate BPM software

Adapt modern solutions for business process management. You can incorporate business process management and project management tools.

Practical tips for implementing workflow

Identify repetitive activities

Identify repetitive tasks to automate them to streamline workflow and save time.

Draw a road map

Design a road map for work and identify the steps, roles, and responsibilities of individuals in a team and track progress from time to time.

Improving by feedback

Improve your workflow by monitoring its effectiveness. Make sure to improvise according to the feedbacks and data.

Adapt workforce management software

You can use monitoring software like EmpMonitor to manage your team and maintain workflow.

We shared some practical tips so you can implement them to improve workflow and business process management. Proper implementation may help you in smooth functioning and enhance performance of your business.

We shared some tips so you can implement them to streamline workflow and BPM. Managing your workforce is challenging. To overcome its complexities, we recommend EmpMonitor, such workforce management software embraced by various businesses and organizations to manage the workforce and teams.

Now, let’s know more briefly about it!

Also read

How EmpMonitor enables workflow management?

Best solutions for workforce management

What Is Empmonitor, And How Can It Improve Your Workflow?


EmpMonitor is an employee workflow and business process management software designed to ease your workforce management-related challenges. This tool encompasses many advanced features to track and monitor your employee’s work time efficiency and productivity levels.

It allows managers to track the employees’ productive time and record their employees’ active, inactive, and neutral time. EmpMonitor can help you with project management and team coordination.

EmpMonitor has many advanced features. Now, let us explore some of the features.


EmpMonitor allows managers to track employee working time and productive/non-productive hours.


EmpMonitor enables you to capture screenshots to monitor your employees’ workflow.

Insightful reports

It offers detailed reports and analytics data with graphical and statistical representation, which is easy to read and consume.

Apps and website usage

It helps you to identify websites and apps your employees are using.

Supports all devices

EmpMonitor is operational for many devices like laptops, PCs, and operating systems like Windows, Mac, etc.

Alert and notification

It enables you to send alert notifications based on the employees’ activity and idleness.

Emp Monitor helps you with employee monitoring and management. Incorporating such a tool can lead your business and organization to the next level and streamline your workflow.

Incorporating such a tool can lead your business and organization to the next level and streamline your workflow.


Workflow and BPM are closely related terms and concepts, often leading to confusion and misinterpretation.

Through the analogy of a bank, We got a basic idea of what these terms mean. There are differences between how workflow and Business process management are involved in the functioning of a business.

Workflow is all about steps taken in order or sequence to complete a particular task. At the same time, BPM is managing the overall business cycle to acquire growth and sales.

Workflow integrates into BPM and is the building block for BPM. We shared some practical tips to implement workflows and BPM into your business to maintain smooth functioning and enhance performance.

EmpMonitor is workforce management software and a tool equipped with many advanced features like tracking employee activity and time and capturing screenshots in stealth mode. Incorporate EmpMonitor to improve workflow and business process management


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